MATLAB Scripts

SOLIS comes with several useful MATLAB scripts that are installed at C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Solis\Scripts.

MATLAB Functions Description
SOL_Read_CSV_Report.m Reads the Telemetry .csv file into a more usable MATLAB structure.
SOL_Read_CSV_Report_32bit.m Reads the Telemetry .csv file into a more usable MATLAB structure. (32-bit Machines)
SOL_Run_MonteCarlo.m The primary script for running monte carlo simulations
SOL_ReRun_MonteCarlo.m The primary script for re-running a monte carlo simulation generated from SOL_Run_MonteCarlo.m
MATLAB SubFunctions Description
SOL_API_Connect.m Sets up the connection to STK
SOL_Check_MAX_Task.m Determines if an MAX.exe instance is running
SOL_Choose_Configuration.m Chooses which Configuration Set to make active
SOL_Choose_Satellite.m Chooses which satellite to connect to
SOL_CleanNonSolisConfigs.m Cleans up any stray Configuration Sets or Versions that have been left in a scenario
SOL_ComputeOrbitPV.m Computes inertial position and velocity from the orbital elements
SOL_CustomInputFunction_SetOrbit.m Derives the position and velocity from monte carlo defined orbital elements
SOL_Draw_MAX_MC.m Determines the draws of a monte carlo set (used by SOL_MAX_MC.m)
SOL_MAX_MC.m The main script for interpreting monte carlo spreadsheets (or CSVs)
SOL_MC_ExcelToCSV.m Converts monte carlo spreadsheets to monte carlo CSV files (sometimes desired for machines without Excel)
SOL_MonteCarloLoop.m The main monte carlo loop function called by SOL_Run_MonteCarlo.m and SOL_ReRun_MonteCarlo.m
SOL_MonteCleanup.m Cleans up versions that were created as part of a monte carlo simulation set
SOL_Read_MAX_MC.m Reads the monte carlo spreadsheet or CSV, used by SOL_MAX_MC.m
SOL_SetMonteVersionsActive.m Sets the monte carlo versions active, used by SOL_MonteCarloLoop.m
SOL_SetParameter.m Sets a parameter to a value, used by SOL_MonteCarloLoop.m
SOL_SetSTKOrbit.m Sets the STK Orbit parameters for a monte carlo defined orbit